Egwa Tawa Dee Lodge

Egwa Tawa Dee #129
Location Atlanta, GA
Founded 1938 (age 73–74)
Membership 1200 (2011)
Lodge Chief Alex Leech
Lodge Adviser Tom Ogletree
Staff Adviser
  • Bion Jones
  • Jason Eiermann
  • Lee Harper

Egwa Tawa Dee Lodge is the Order of the Arrow lodge that serves the Atlanta Area Council. It was chartered in 1938 as Broad-Winged-Hawk #129. Egwa Tawa Dee is translated from "equa tawadi", the Cherokee language for the lodge's totem, the broad-winged hawk to whose literal translation is "big hawk" and for ease of pronunciation it was spelled out as "Egwa Tawa Dee."



Lodge Structure

The Lodge officers are elected annually at Fall Fellowship, and begin their term immediately. The governing body of the Lodge is the Lodge Executive Committee (LEC), which consists of all the Chapter Chiefs and Chapter Advisers, the Lodge Officers and Advisers, committee chairmen, and their respective advisers. The LEC meets monthly to manage and plan out the business of the Lodge. The LEC’s organization is completely youth run, having the Lodge Chief as its chairman, and all voting is done solely by the youth members with adult advisers' oversight.

The lodge was chartered in 1938 as Broad-Winged-Hawk #129 and has a membership of over 1200 brothers and is divided into 16 chapters, as well as Collegiate OA chapters at the Georgia Institute of Technology and at Southern Polytechnic State University:

Current chapters include:

Past chapters include:

Activities and events

Throughout the year, the Lodge hosts numerous functions on a very regular basis. The Lodge events, namely Spring Pow Wow, the Ordeal weekends, and Fall Fellowship are the most popular times that Arrowmen from all over the metro Atlanta area have the opportunity to participate in food, fun and fellowship.

Egwa Tawa Dee participates in several Section, Regional, and National events. Our lodge is one of 12 that comes together to form Section SR-9, an area that encompasses most of Georgia and the northern 2/3 of Alabama. Over a dozen different Sections from Oklahoma to Virginia come together collectively to form the great Southern Region. Altogether four regions combine to what is known as the National Council, with its headquarters in Irving, Texas.

Each year Section SR-9 South hosts its Conclave in April. Conclave is a weekend of fun, fellowship, and training. Native American events are also a key feature at every Conclave. Every two years, the Southern Region hosts an event called the National Leadership Seminar (NLS). When our Section does not participate in the NLS, we have the opportunity to attend the Section’s own training weekend, the Section Leadership Gathering (SLG). NOAC, the National Order of the Arrow Conference, is also held every 2 or 3 years at rotating universities.


Past Lodge Chiefs

Note: The years of 1998 and 2004 the loadge had two members serving as Lodge Chief.

Year↓ Lodge Chief↓
1938 Floyd Sanders Jr
1939 Arnold Almand
1940 Unknown
1941 Paul Sams
1942 Unknown
1943 John M. Outler III
1944 John M. Outler III
1945 Doug Ellis
1946 Unknown
1947 Frank Rumble
1948 Jack Freeman
1949 Jack Freeman
1950 Unknown
1951 Francis Brown
1952 Goetz B. Eaton
1953 Jimmy Waters
1954 Herbert Entrekin
1955 Jim Collins
1956 David Wilbanks
1957 William Bracewell
1958 Russell Neal House
1959 James Cruz Giglio
1960 Thomas Shoupe Jr
1961 James Drew Jr
1962 Bob Castleberry
1963 William Veatch III
1964 William Howe
1965 William Howe
1966 Nick Herren Jr
1967 Ethan Dougherty
1968 Carson Salyer
1969 Champ Massey
1970 John Kilpatrick Jr
1971 Donald Swift
1972 Louis Jacob III
1973 Kent Knight
1974 Glen Borders
1975 Joe Burch
1976 Steve Kinsman
1977 Mike Briggs
1978 Jim Emmons
1979 Bernie Marino
1980 Tim Crawford
1981 Danny Fancher
1982 Jac Coursey
1983 Anthony Pesce
1984 David Ryan
1985 Scott McClure
1986 Scott McClure
1987 Russell Cutts
1988 David Fox
1989 Chuck Scales
1990 Towner Blackstock
1991 Scott Slaton
1992 Micah Andrews
1993 Steven Danielek
1994 Alan Anderson
1995 Mark Angeli
1996 Mark Angeli
1997 Brian Yancey
1998 David Heaton
1998 John Sims
1999 Brad Ploeger
2000 Kenny Hosley
2001 Frank McMillan
2002 Danny “Ratchie” Ritchie
2003 Ron Kaye
2004 Matthew Holland
2004 Kyle Kleppe
2005 Kenney Barton
2006 Michael Stong
2007 George Snipes
2008 Joseph Hawkins
2009 Bradley Jaquet
2010 Scott Conner
2011 Alex Leech

Years 2005-Present

Egwa Tawa Dee attained National Quality Lodge in 2005. The SR-6 South Conclave was held in April 2005 at Woodruff Scout Reservation. The year saw nearly 400 additional scouts complete their Ordeal. The following year of 2006, Egwa Tawa Dee was well represented at the National Order of the Arrow onference in MI.

The in 2008 the Lodge implemented a new program of Elangomat recruiting, selection, and training, resulting in a larger and well prepared class of Elangomats and the smoothest running ordeals under the leadership of Matthew Holland and Daniel P. Ryan. Egwa Tawa Dee was well represented at ArrowCorps5, the national service project at 5 National Forests around the USA.

In 2009 Egwa Tawa Dee's Lodge Chief, Rajapl Sagoo, was elected Section Vice Chief for Southern Region Section 9. Egwa Tawa Dee was well represented at the National Order of the Arrow Conference in IN. Then in 2010 Egwa Tawa Dee's Rajpal Sagoo was elected Section Chief for Southern Region Section 9, and later made a strong showing in a run for office at the National meeting in Dallas.

Area and section conclaves hosted by Egwa Tawa Dee Lodge

Note: SR stands for Scout Reservation

Year Area/Section Host Host Location
1951 Area 6-C Old Camp Bert Adams north of Atlanta, GA
1957 Area 6-D Old Camp Bert Adams north of Atlanta, GA
1962 Area 6-D New Bert Adams SR south of Covington, GA
1964 Area 6-D New Bert Adams SR south of Covington, GA
1970 Area 6-D Bert Adams SR south of Covington, GA
1973 Section SE-5 Bert Adams SR south of Covington, GA
1976 Section SE-5 Bert Adams SR south of Covington, GA
1987 Section SE-4 Bert Adams SR south of Covington, GA
1996 Section SR-5 (Dixie) Bert Adams SR south of Covington, GA
1999 Section SR-6S Bert Adams SR south of Covington, GA
2005 Section SR-6S Woodruff SR NW of Blairsville, GA

See also


External links